Our Midwives & Staff
Experienced. Educated. Supportive.
St. Jacobs midwives and staff are here to support you through every stage of your pregnancy, birth, and first weeks of parenthood.
All members of St. Jacobs Midwives are registered members of the College of Midwives of Ontario and the Association of Ontario Midwives. All of our midwives act as preceptors, helping to train and educate student midwives. As well, many of our midwives act as Associate Professors at McMaster University in the Midwifery Education Program, teach Emergency Skills Workshops, and serve on various provincial and hospital committees.

Registered Midwives:
Savannah Armstrong
Alina Balzerson
Jennifer Boylan
Julie Corey
Sarah Dyck
Stephanie Gingerich (on leave)
Janis Herold
Janessa Otto
Gaby Sabados
Christine Siberry-Miller
Monica Weber
Administrative Staff:
Andrea Horst
Samantha Mitchell